허브 약리학 : 심혈관계통




인체계통별로 유익한 작용을 하는 허브의 종류와 작용 기전, 적용 방법을 학습합니다.

*수강기간 : 결제일로부터 3개월

<Class Reference>

1.Hong Xu et al., A study of the comparative effects of hawthorn fruit compound and simvastatin on lowering blood lipid levels. The American hournal of Chinese medicine; 2009; 37(5): 903-908

2.Manickam Akila, Halagowder Devaraj, Synergistic effect of tincture of Carataegus and Mangifera indica L. extract on hyperlipidemic and antioxidant status in atherogenic rats. Vascular pharmacology; 2008; 49(4-6): 173-177.

3.Dalli, E., et al.,Crataegus Laevigata Decreases Neutrophil Elastase and Has Hypolipidemic Effect: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Phytomedicine; 2011;18(8-9):769-75.

4.Jie Wang et al., Effect of Crataegus Usage in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: An Evidence-Based Approach. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2013, Article ID 149363, 16

5.이시진 저, 동의보감 약초사랑 편저,  「본초강목」, 꿈이있는집플러스, 2022

6.로잘리 드 라 포레, 「허브상식사전」, 도서출판길벗, 2018


8.Marta González-Castejón et al., Diverse biological activities of dandelion. Nutrition Reviews® Vol. 70(9):534–547

9.David Hoffman, 「The New Holistic Herbal」, Element, 1990

심혈관계통 허브 약리학
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